District Dress Code/Uniforms
El Centro Elementary School District is a uniform district. All students must follow the district dress code.
Uniforms are navy blue pants, shorts, skirts, or dresses. Jeans are not allowed. Leggings must be covered with shorts or a skirt. Shirts must have a collar and sleeves and can be white or navy blue. Shirts are not to have any pictures or words. Students may also wear school t-shirts. Shoes must be closed-toe such as sneakers.
Each month and for different occasions, Hedrick School has Spirit Days where students can dress up in various costumes or specific themes. Students also can earn free-dress days. On these specific days, students may wear jeans, however shirts must have sleeves, shoes must be closed-toe (or students must bring a pair of closed-toe shoes for recess, lunch, and PE), and leggings must be covered by shorts or a skirt.