For Students » Important Information

Important Information

Dress Code/Uniform:
The district's uniform policy is to be followed at all times.  
SHIRTS: Shirts need to have a collar and be either navy blue or white.  Students may also wear school t-shirts.  T-shirts will be sold starting in September.  Keep a look out for more information.
PANTS/SHORTS/SKIRTS: Pants, shorts, and skirts must be navy blue.  They need to fit appropriately.  When standing with your arms down by your sides, shorts and skirts must be at your finger tips or longer.  Leggings may only be worn under shorts and skirts.  Leggings are not to be worn as pants. Jeans/denim is only allowed on free-dress and spirit days.
SHOES: Shoes need to be have a closed-toe.  Open sandals are not allowed for safety purposes.